Geographies of Difference
In the topography and cartography of our world, what is a border and how does it come to be? Where does our culture come from? How does it grow? Where does it deviate?
What does it mean to be from somewhere, to not feel foreign, does it come from love or shame?

борщ: between geographies of difference (2022)

mapping distance (2022)

buckwheat dream/sleep (2022)

driftwood, mere ocean (2022)

somewhere, if not elsewhere, never nowhere (2022)

a girl from foreign (2022)

a nostalgia for shame (2022)
craft languages
An ongoing investigation in the shared language of craft-based processes, exploring materiality with story and intention. What languages may we share around the world between the trees and our humanity?
To Gather (2021)
the gifts I have received (2021)
Tell me about your favorite tree... (2021)
Under the oldest tree lies (2021)
three hundred and sixty two autumns (2021)